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May 7·edited May 7Pinned

This thread is now closed. Thank you for your participation. We may do this again at some point down the line.

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Do you have any funny Mojo Nixon stories ?

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No question from me. I just want to thank you for providing this amazing community I feel part of through your stories and music. Your songs have helped me get through life. They've helped me get to where I am in life and I have found my happy place. You will never know how much I appreciate you!💜

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What types of questions/interactions with fans do you love/not love? Favorite things about the troubadour life.

Any plans to write another book? What are some of your favorite books?

Do you crack up every time you tell the George Boedecker Freebird story? Because I do.

Any chance of a Camp What the Folk scholarship/discount prize for a poor public school teacher who would be missing the second week of school if he could make it?

Would you be willing to make a guitar book with songs, tips, and advice geared towards a 40+ year old beginner guitar player one year into his guitar journey?

Songwriting/rhyming and harmonica tips too.

Do you want to hang out next time you’re in town?

Might not want to answer, but why did Battle Hymn get cut? I enjoy blasting that and Conservative Christian while driving through MAGA areas in my town.

I just hope you realize what an indescribably positive impact you’ve had on so many people, and just how appreciated and loved you are.

Todd Snider Rules!

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Fellow teacher here. A trip to Camp What the Folk might be my retirement gift to myself. I have one more year.

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Are you as bothered as I am that we live in a world where you can’t play your song Vinyl Records on vinyl? Do you reckon that someday if that inconsistency is rectified that we will all live in peace and harmony?

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May 6Liked by Daryl Sanders


Is it ok with you if I do covers of these two songs that you never released "Here's to You" and "Stop Draggin' it Out"?

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Where did you hear these?

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Could you please talk about your song writing process? What makes a good song? What makes a bad song? When you were being mentored and shown what makes a song good, what were you shown? You often go from melody to talking in a song, are there any rules about that? Like when it would or wouldn't work in a song. Or when you might choose to do that or not? Anything else you could say about how you write, why you write, co-writing, how you go from inspiration to a finished song. Best thrift store score? I'm glad we got to be on the same planet at the same time. High fives for Brian! Peace.

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Not gonna ask the first question that came to mind 😂…but this is the one we all wanna know the answer to, anyway: is Todd okay (physically, emotionally, and any other ways)? And, if not, is there anything we can do to help?

And the other question is when the f*ck are we gonna see him on the road?

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Todd probably is not going to talk about his health, but the fact that Camp What The Folk is scheduled tells me he is probably trending in the right direction. I can tell you that I asked Todd back at Camp What the Folk last year when he might tour again and he said "not really next year, but probably 2025", so whatever the status is of his health, he wasn't planning on being on the road in 2024.

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Yeah, I’ve heard him mention a distaste for the health question, but felt compelled to ask since there was the opportunity and I’m sure I’m not the only one curious. I’d only heard he was taking a break for a year or so, and wondered about a date that was cancelled for this year, but, yeah, CampWTF and maybe You Got Gold are encouraging. (On the issue of health, it’s something people “our” age seem to start talking about regularly! 😂) And, of course, he can answer/not answer as he wishes…

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What’s y oh r preferred was to ingest cannabis joints, bowls, gummies? You a sativa guy? What’s the last song that made you cry

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I do have questions! Lurking in the Shithouse Wire for years led to a lot of TS track collecting. The Colorado Demos is amazing and my googling on lyrics info over the years has been unsuccessful. I would love to hear any comments on these tunes; especially Workin’ on a Fine Tune. I think you wrote or had a hand in writing them? And Wild Tornado. (Fuck, all of ‘em except Can’t Complain and Cape Henry; feel like those have been covered.) And I’ve always wanted to ask about the lyrics in a song from Rarities FB, 2001, Thinkin’ Too Much. And The Man That I’d Like to Be. I feel like I see seeds of songs all over the place. Any details about the songs you feel like sharing. Thanks. I feel like I’ve been waiting for this opportunity for a long time and appreciate the hell out of it.

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Hi Todd. I was at your show @ Gruene Hall a few days after 911. I was wondering how difficult that show was to do, as your shows usually have a lot of humor. Love the Snider Files, thanks, Todd

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What's something about you that your fans would find surprising?

Why did you have “Battle Hymn of the Album” taken off of Spotify?

What's your favorite song that you've written?

What are some guilty pleasure songs that you like?

Thanks for doing this.

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Hi Todd! Did you get another dog? They are the best. Also, Have you ever thought of doing small, bar room sized, shows and airing them live on some sort of Patreon site? I'd pay to have access to that. I sure do miss the weekly purple building concerts. I'd do Covid all over again just to relive those Sunday afternoons!

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How is "Where Will I Go Now that I'm Gone" coming along?

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I'm breaking the non-existent rules and asking 2 questions. What's your favorite venue to play? (choose up to 5, no more) And what happened to East Nashville, man?

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...the dinner party question. If you could break bread with anyone alive or otherwise, who would it be? Feel free to invite as many as you wish.

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How did you meet Stacie Huckeba and long has she been documenting your work/life?

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Waffle House or Cracker Barrel?

Was writing easier as a younger person?

What is the best guitar playing advice you have gotten?

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As someone born and raised there, I always felt you would fit right in to New Orleans. Your funky side on First Agnostic Church of Hope and Wonder was further proof with ghosts of Fess and Dr. John in the music. Will we hear more of this funky side of you on future records? Got any good stories of your visits to New Orleans?

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Do you listen to Cocaine and Rhinestones? If so, which is your favorite story so far?

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Do you still have the circus quilt I made you back in 2005?

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Hey Todd. What are your favorite Jimmy Buffett songs? I know you've shared a number of stories about Bob Mercer and Jimmy and Margaritaville Records and the like, but, if you've got any more, I'd love to hear them. Those early years of Margaritiaville Records just had some cool shit, I recall - The Iguanas, Utley/Greenridge, Evangeline, Fingers....gotta think that gumbo was pretty influential.

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What's the background on Barbie Doll and are we gonna hear it in the future?

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May 6·edited May 6

Can you give us a special story about Gary from the Birchmere in Alexandria? Also what is your favorite eating spot near there?

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As someone who has been a fan of Country Joe & The Fish since Electric Music For the Mind and Body came out, it did my heart some good knowing that you have mentioned Country Joe not once, but twice in your songs. I was really hoping for a CJ&F cover during your tenure with Hard Working Americans. Was that ever a possibility or is it a possibility in the future? Thanks for entertaining us. Stay well.

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Hey Todd, do you still have the baseball package and do you think a major league team will ever come to Nashville?

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Have you ever written any fiction? Any chance we'd ever get a chance to see some?

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Who's your favorite haiku poet?

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Thank you and I love you! And thanks for sending me a friend request on FB! 🤪

I truly hope you’re doing well💜

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Somewhere i thought I heard you say you were going to do Camp WTF a little differently this year. Are you willing to preview how it might be different this year? Also, I assume all those "Safety Meetings" are times set aside to smoke weed?

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Lol if that's not the intention I'm pretty sure that weed will still get smoked. I love the camp what the folks schedule, it took out some of the filler that we didn't do anyway last year.

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Are you actually going to answer any of these questions?

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Hi Todd! You are my all time music inspiration. During every procedure I do at the hospital, my playlist starts off with Alright Guy and Play a Train Song. Another of my favorite artists is Cody Canada, and he pays you a lot of tributes both on his records and at live shows. Any good stories of you and Cody?

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What inspired “Some Things Are”? Also, how does one get you to officiate a (mine and my loves) wedding?

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Hey. Any run ins with Townes Van Zandt? Seems like your kinda guy.

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